Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Catching up!

I don't know why I have been in such a blogging slump. It's not like things haven't been happening. I mean what could be more exciting than being 14 weeks pregnant, having your husband out of town and having kidney stones! Not much, let me tell you.....

Now I am 16 weeks pregnant, no longer have a kidney stone, my husband is back in town and life is pretty much back to normal. So I guess I can resume blogging since nothing interesting is going on now! Life did get pretty stressful there for a while, but we are doing great now. Except for the small fact that I have not yet gained a single pound in this pregnancy and am a little worried about a teeny tiny underweight baby. I was kind of in the same position with Chase, but I think by now I had gained a few pounds (maybe three or four). By the end I gained almost 30 lbs, so maybe I am just a "late" gainer. And Chase was perfectly average- 7lbs 50z. But, I was told that if I don't gain in the next four weeks I will have to aggressively eat ice cream, cheese and fruit smoothies. So sad, huh? Except those things really don't sound very good at all to me right now. Isn't that the sad irony of pregnancy. You don't have to worry too much about what you are eating, but not everything sounds good. I haven't been too sick, I don't throw up, and I just can't quite figure out why I can easily gain weight when I am not pregnant unfortunately, but can't seem to do it when I need to.

We will find out in four weeks the gender of this baby. We are all so excited. Since the moment I found out I was pregnant I have been thinking a lot about the journey we have been through to have a family. Going from infertility, to a planned adoption, to a surprise adoption, to a surprise pregnancy to a planned pregnancy, certainly has been a journey. We've been able to experience a little bit of everything. Each child has come to us under such amazingly different circumstances, and our reaction to each has been so different. From absolute excitement (Abby) to absolute terror (Chase) and emotions in between.

We believe this will be our last child and I am so grateful that we have been given this chance to have one more. Our journey has certainly strengthened our testimony that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. We believe more than ever that Abby and Madison were meant to be our daughters. We've had lots of conversations lately about birthmothers and adoption. Madison is still kind of figuring it out. We were watching the food network together yesterday and she asked me if Ina Garten (is that her name? The Barefoot Contessa) was her birthmother. I had to laugh. Abby got impatient and said, "No, Emily is our birthmother." Then Madi gets a confused look on her face because her teacher is Miss Emily. Like I said, she is still trying to get it all straight in her head. Half the time they still call their birthmother their Godmother. Like they are Cinderella with a fairy godmother. Wishful thinking.

We still have several months (I am due mid July) but we are excited to see what #4 brings to our family!

And now, I will try to be a better blogger!


GeorgiaBecksteads said...

Glad to hear things have settled down and you're doing better. I love what you shared about your children. We miss you.

Jen said...

Glad you're back! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Did you ahve kidney stones while pregnant cuz that would really-really suck!

Johnson said...

Wow, Amanda...congrats on the pregnancy (but sorry about the kidney stones)! I have also always been a "late gainer" with my pregnancies, but eventually gained plenty, believe me! I loved hearing about how each baby came to your family. It is so interesting how families evolve. I have written down each of my kids' stories for them, because even though we never adopted, the circumstances surrounding them joining our family have always been unique and wonderful. Good luck with the pregnancy. I know it's tough having enough energy when you already have so many kids! -Wendy

April Cobb said...

I can only imagine what Maddi will say to her teacher. Probably something like, "My sister said that you are my godmother because I came out of your tummy." I guess that is better than telling the cops they should arrest you. Things are going well. I am so happy for you.