Monday, September 13, 2010

6 months?

Has it been six months since I posted last? Really? Wow. Well it's probably about time that I get rid of the yucky stitches picture anyway.

Everybody is doing fine. I will have to post pictures later, but for now a quick update.

Mason is walking. It's so cute. He is one determined little boy. He doesn't say any real words yet, but boy, he likes to yell at you in gibberish. He is very stubborn and has no patience, but he is a beautiful baby, with a killer smile and we all love him to pieces. He is almost 14 months old and he had cut 12 teeth in the last 4 months. Ouch! Maybe that's why he's yelling at us all the time!

Chase keeps us all laughing. He just comes up with the funniest things. He is in his last year of preschool and loves it. He is a very happy child. We spent almost three weeks in Utah this summer and he loved being with his grandparents and cousins. We even went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point just for him. His passion is Dinosaurs.

Madison started 1st grade this year and we decided to keep her in a Special Education classroom. She is in a 1st/2nd grade combo class with 12 students. 10 of them are 2nd graders so hopefully she will do ok. She still does a ton of speech therapy and occupational therapy and we also added some private reading classes to her schedule. She is pretty tired at the end of each day. She remains our very sensitive child and is easily brought to tears, but she is also our friendliest child. She will talk to anybody and has a genuine interest in other people.

Abby is still a little tornado. She is in constant motion and is constantly making noise. She just turned 8 and was baptized this last weekend. It was a great moment for us, and we are very proud of her. Especially since she spent many years saying she would never get baptized because she didn't want to go under the water. She is in 2nd grade and seems to be doing well. She is playing soccer again, but we think her real talent might be running track. She is so fast and has a lot of endurance.

We enjoyed our time in Utah, especially the week we spent at Aspen Grove Family camp. Our kids loved every minute of it, and while I didn't love the food, it was a great to spend time as a family. We want to go again next year. I will probably bring more snacks though!

It's been a busy few months. We remodeled our kitchen and fixed up our house to sell so we could buy a "dream home." We did actually get a contract on our house, but things unraveled and we didn't end up moving. So we are still here and still plugging along. Life is getting busier and I am getting older. We are doing well though. Now I just have to dig out the camera and post some pictures!

I promise I won't wait another six months to do that though.